

Laadli rebranded as Pink Shakti is an online One Stop Tech Solution dedicated to our womenfolk with a holistic approach to Women Empowerment. The innovative concept of the Solution has won several awards at national & state level and is now available as www.pinkshakti.in

With a core objective to promote Women Safety, Awareness and Empowerment , we aim to encourage women to share safety issues in their city through our platform. It also aims to make women aware of Women Crime Laws which would give them the right insight of Sections under Indian Penal Code and could lead them to raise voice against even the trivial kind of harassment. With easy access to Women Centric Schemes in understandable language women would definitely have wider options to explore and become economically independent.

Under the ‘Mission Shakti’ initiative by UP Govt. we aim to contribute our bit to enhance the mission mode for Nari Suraksha, Nari Samman and Nari Swalamban. With joint efforts of Government and Society, we aim to empower our women and girls in real sense exercising free choices over their minds, in an atmosphere free from violence and threat.

Contact Us

Snigdhaa Ritesh
Chief Visionary, Pink Shakti
Founder, CEO & Managing Director
Inaequalis Consulting Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Address: Navachar Incubation Centre FOAP AKTU Lucknow Uttar pradesh
Call: 93050 76654
Email: inaequalis.consulting@gmail.com,