


Under the scheme, a pension of Rs 1000/- per month is paid to the eligible beneficiaries. Under this scheme, such women above 18 years of age who are permanent residents of Uttar Pradesh and whose husband has died and whose family annual income does not exceed Rs 2.00 lakh, will be transferred to their bank accounts as eligible beneficiaries. Is performed. In the financial year 2016-17, a total of 17.31 lakh beneficiaries were being provided pension benefits under the Destitute Women Pension Scheme after the death of their husband. Whereas in just 6 years, a total of 11.31 lakh new beneficiary women have been identified and linked to the scheme under this scheme. Thus, now a total of 28.62 lakh women are being given pension under the scheme.https://sspy-up.gov.in



Chief Minister Kanya Sumangala Yojana was launched in the year 2019 to establish equal sex ratio in the state, prevent female feticide, strengthen the health and education of girls, provide financial assistance to the families of girls and develop positive thinking among the general public towards the girl child. Under the scheme, such beneficiaries are eligible whose family is resident of Uttar Pradesh, whose family annual income is maximum Rs 3.00 lakh and whose family has maximum two children. In total 6 categories, Rs. 2000/- at the time of birth, Rs. 1000/- at the time of completion of one year vaccination, Rs. 2000/- at the time of admission in class-1, Rs. 2000/- at the time of admission in class-6, Rs. 2000/- at the time of admission in class-9. At the time of admission, Rs. 3000/- is given and after passing 10th/12th examination, Rs. 5000/- is given on taking admission in degree or diploma course of two years or more. A total of 15.87 lakh eligible girls have been benefited under the scheme so far.



The objective of the scheme is to improve the falling sex ratio, encourage girls' education and develop positive thinking among the common people towards the girl child. Under the scheme, public awareness is being spread among the people by organizing various mediums like drama/nukkad, banners, posters, wall writing, public meetings, radio jingles, various types of competitions, workshops etc. This scheme is operated in all 75 districts of the state. Under the scheme, 12.94 lakh women and girls have been made aware through a total of 9,234 activities in the year 2022-23.


The state government is extremely sensitive towards the victims of heinous crimes against women and girls. Under the scheme, a total of 701 women and girls have been given this assistance so far in the year 2022-23, along with which a total of 6,481 women and girls have been given compensation money under the scheme.


For the safety and social and economic empowerment of women and girls, an initiative has been taken by the Uttar Pradesh government in the form of 181-Women Helpline. 181 is a toll free number, which works 24x7. On the women's helpline, any woman and girl who is suffering from adverse circumstances or needs any other problem or need to be fulfilled or advised can get help by calling the toll free number. This helpline has been integrated with 112 centralized call centers in Lucknow in the year 2020-21. When a woman in distress calls, the trained counselors of the call center provide counseling to the woman. Since the inception of the scheme, 5.57 lakh women have been provided assistance under the scheme.


Under the scheme, all the necessary services to the women victims of violence like short stay (five days), medical aid, counseling services, legal aid and police assistance etc. are provided under one roof. At present one stop centers are being operated in all the districts of the state. Since the inception of the scheme, a total of 1.49 lakh cases have been referred to the one stop centers of the state.


Awareness regarding various issues related to women such as domestic violence, dowry, education, health rights, gender, sexual violence, etc. and linking rural women and adolescent girls with government schemes
It also aims to cooperate in the effective implementation of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme.


'Uttar Pradesh Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana (General)' has been launched by the government in August 2021. Under the scheme, children under 18 years of age who have lost both or one of their parents or a guardian after March 1, 2020 due to reasons other than Corona, are being provided assistance of Rs 2500 per month. Teenagers of 18 to 23 years falling in the above category, who have passed class 12 examination and want to obtain a bachelor's degree or diploma from a government degree college, university or technical institute, will be benefited. Apart from this, meritorious students who have passed national and state level competitive examinations like NEET, JEE and CLAT will be given the benefit of this scheme till they complete 23 years of age or complete graduation or diploma from a recognized technical institute, whichever is earlier. . So far, a total of 20,632 children have been identified and benefited under the scheme.


At present, under Mission Vatsalya Yojana, institutions are being run in the state with high level facilities for protection of children, modern technology, better opportunities for education, skill development and employment. A total of 58 government institutions (27 Government Observation Homes, 08 Children's Home (Boys), 05 Children's Home (Girls), 05 Children's Home (Infant), 05 Specialist Adoption Agency, 02 Special Home, 01 Place of Safety, 05 After Care Organization) is operated. Besides, under PPP model, two government specialized institutions for special children are running in Lucknow district with the help of voluntary organizations. Construction work is being done in districts Rae Bareli, Chitrakoot, Mirzapur, Kanpur city. Our effort is to provide better opportunities to the children living in these to become self-reliant. Psychosocial counselors have been appointed with the help of the Health Department for counseling of children living in the homes run by the department. A total of 1275 children have been rehabilitated through adoption from the financial year 2017-18 to 2022-23. Last year till now, 1007 children have been benefited through sponsorship and 05 children have been benefited under foster care. So far, a total of 75,811 children have been reunited with their parents/guardians in the state from 2017-18 to 2023-24. Also, in the last years, more than 3,500 adolescent girls and women have been given skill training from these homes. To prevent child marriage, a state level monitoring committee and a district level task force have been formed and more than 1436 potential child marriages have been stopped. Rules are also being made by the state for effective implementation of the Child Marriage Act.


For the protection and rehabilitation of women, 09 women's shelters, 1 protection home, 1 cell for mentally retarded women, 1 government old and disabled home and 13 Shakti Sadans are being operated in the state, in which about 700 women reside. Through which women and girls who are victims of human prostitution, in need of protection, made homeless by social, economic, natural calamities, domestic violence, family disputes and exploitation in brothels or other places, get shelter and access to skill development and mainstreaming of the society. An attempt is being made to connect. In Vrindavan, 'Krishna Kutir', a shelter with a residential capacity of 1000 women, is being run by the department for the rehabilitation of destitute women and to improve their living conditions. To provide safe and affordable residential facilities to working women, 8 Sakhi Niwas (Working Women Hostels) are being operated.


Conducting various activities and training by the department for effective implementation of acts related to harmful practices such as early child marriage, child labour, child beggary, domestic violence against women including child sexual abuse, dowry, sexual harassment of women at workplace etc. Programs and sensitization workshops are being conducted. District level Dowry Prohibition Officers and Child Marriage Prohibition Officers have been appointed. Also, to prevent sexual harassment of women at the workplace, under the Act, internal complaint committees and local complaint committees have been formed at the district level in all government and non-government/private offices where the number of employees is 10 or more.