

What do you mean by Menstrual Health?

Menstrual health refers to the well-being of women during their menstrual cycle, encompassing physical, emotional, and social aspects. The menstrual cycle typically lasts about 28 days but can vary from 21 to 35 days. It involves hormonal changes that prepare the body for potential pregnancy, with menstruation marking the start of a new cycle.

What are the problems women face during Menstrual Cycle:

Many women experience symptoms such as cramps, bloating, mood swings, lower abdominal pain and fatigue. Some Women face fever, acne, insomnia during the cycle.

How to deal with the problems during Menstrual Cycle?

The problems during Menstrual Cycle often be managed with lifestyle changes. Specific Yoga exercises during Menstrual relieves from Period Cramps as it loosens up the muscles. Using a hot water bottle may also help to decrease the abdominal pain. Consuming mild pain killers and paracetamol also helps in countering the problems during Menstrual Cycle.

What type of diet one should follow during Menstrual Cycle?

One should follow healthy diet during Menstrual Cycle such as fruits with high water content such as Water Melon which reduces swelling, bloating and keeps your body hydrated. Intake of large amount of green leafy vegetables helps in balancing the iron levels in the body. Healthy Caffeine substitutes and Green Tea also helps in relaxing the body pain.

What is the importance of Menstrual Hygiene?

Proper menstrual hygiene management is crucial for preventing infections during periods. This includes using sanitary products like pads, tampons, or menstrual cups and changing them after every 4-5 hours. Taking bath and cleaning private parts with plain water is necessary to keep away the infections. Avoid using Vaginal washes as they destroy the good bacteria which helps in fighting the infections.

What are the myths related to Menstrual Cycle and what should be done?

These are the age-old myths which one should not believe but should follow healthy and hygienic practices:

  • A menstruating woman shouldn’t be touched. It is against human rights and reflects discrimination. One should not never believe in this evil myth.
  • You shouldn’t enter the kitchen on your period. It’s all about cleanliness and nothing else.
  • Any contact with a man can gets a woman pregnant. Proper sexual intercourse between male and female can only make a woman pregnant. So, never believe this myth.
  • Women shouldn’t wash their hair while on their period. Hygiene is most important during periods.
  • Don't apply kajal during your period. If you can apply kajal on other days then why not during periods.
  • Don't consume curd during period. Calcium is necessary for body but avoid taking curd at night or cold curd.
  • Stay out and don't sleep on beds. You should be thing of every possible comfort during your periods to carry your daily activities smoothly.
  • Touching the pickle during period would spoil it. It is also again about cleanliness. Touching it might give you craving to eat the spicy pickle but it won’t spoil it unless you touch it with dry and clean hands. Avoid consuming spicy foods during periods as it may cause acidity.

What menstrual disorders can be caused due to hormonal imbalance and symptoms?

Hormonal fluctuations can affect mood and physical well-being. It's important to recognize and address these challenges. Women may face menstrual disorders, such as irregular periods, very less bleeding or heavy bleeding (menorrhagia), painful periods (dysmenorrhea), and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Often the symptoms for these kinds of disorders are weight gain, insomnia, skin problems, hair fall, excessive and smelly vaginal discharge, excessive body hair, intolerable abdominal pain during periods.

What are the serious diseases that affect Women’s Reproductive Health and Symptoms?

Cervical Cancer is a very serious disease which if not treated timely can affect a woman’s reproductive health.


  • Sometimes you may have no symptoms, but some woman may experience:
  • Pain areas: in the pelvis.
  • Pain circumstances: can occur during sexual intercourse.
  • Menstrual: abnormal menstruation, heavy menstruation, irregular menstruation, or spotting.
  • Groin: abnormal vaginal bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Also common: fatigue, nausea, or weight loss.

Vaccination, timely treatment and regular screening and may prevent the complications of Cervical Cancer.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Infection is also dangerous if not treated timely.

  • Flat lesions or skin injuries.
  • Small cauliflower-like bumps or tiny stemlike protrusions.
  • In women, genital warts appear mostly on the vulva but can also occur near the anus, on the cervix or in the vagina.

Vaccination, timely treatment and regular screening and may prevent the complications of HPV Infection.

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